Monday, July 23, 2018

To the Temple by Chance

This lesson is based off of a talked given by Elder Dale G. Renlund in the April 2018 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints entitled Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing. I would recommend reading through this talk in preparation for this family home evening lesson.

Objective: Children will demonstrate an understanding that we cannot be worthy and attend temple simply by chance. They will also be able to verbally identify two or more ways we can prepare to be ready to attend the temple.


Opening Prayer:

Gain Attention:
If doing today’s activity in the car, split everyone up into teams and see whose team can have their shoes on and be in the car first.

If doing the maze for today’s activity, hide the puzzle somewhere in the room and play hot and cold to find the puzzle.

Start of by playing, To the Temple by Chance, with everyone.

To the Temple by Chance Directions (Car Version):
Each time you come to a stop sign or stop light roll the dice.
If you roll an even number you turn right, if you roll an odd number you turn left.
If you roll a 1 or a 6 you go straight if that is an option otherwise refer to the even odd rule.
If you reach a dead end, no longer have the ability to progress forward, or have spent enough time to get the point across the game is over.
*Feel free to adjust the rules to best fit you family situation. You may even want to increase the opportunities to role by changing the rules so that you role every time there is an option to turn.
*You can play the car version of this game even if the nearest temple to you is not in your town.
(Spoiler Alert: You can’t get to the temple by chance.)

To the Temple by Chance Directions (Maze Version):
Print of a temple maze.
Use something to mark where you are on the board.
Each time there is an intersection have someone roll the dice.
If an even number is rolled turn right, if an odd number is rolled turn left.
If a 1 or 6 is rolled, go straight or refer to the even and odd rule if there is not the option to go straight.
If you reach a dead end, no longer have the ability to progress forward, or have spent enough time to get the point across the game is over.
*Feel free to adjust the rules to your needs.

At the end of the game ask your children, “Can we get to the temple by chance?”
Answer, “NO!”

Read this quote from Elder Renlund’s talk,
“President Russell M. Nelson cautioned, ‘We can be inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had. But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves.” He continued, “I invite you to prayerfully consider what kind of sacrifice—preferable a sacrifice of time—you can make [to] do more temple and family history work.’ As you accept President Nelson’s invitation, you will discover, gather, and connect your family. Additionally, blessings will flow to you and your family like the river spoken of by Exekiel. You will find healing for that which needs healing.”

Explain to your children that we have to decide that we are going to go to the temple and attend it frequently and then make plans for how that is going to happen. It will not just simply happen.

Discuss with younger children how they can be preparing now to attend the temple as a youth for baptisms for the dead and then as an adult.

Discuss with your teenagers what they could sacrifice on a regular basis and replace with temple attendance.

Have each member of the family, mom and dad included, discuss their plan to stop leaving temple attendance and worthiness to chance and instead make it happen.

*If you have a temple close to you, you could discuss these things as you driving to the temple grounds, not by chance. The gates will possibly be locked if it is a Monday but you can still walk around the outside and take a picture of everyone in front of the temple. Feel free to share your pictures with us using the hashtag #motheringamidangels

Activity Ideas:
Play at the park
Make temples our of rice crispy treats or ice cream or graham crackers
Go for a drive

Treat Idea:

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