Monday, August 27, 2018

You are a Child of God

Preparation: Read Elder Brian K. Taylor's talks from April 2018 General conference entitled, Am Ia Child of God?


Opening Song:

Opening Prayer:

Gain Attention:
If you have pretzels, take a pretzel and show it to the children. Break it in half and ask children if it will still taste just as good as before. (If you do not have pretzels, just ask the children if a broken pretzel would still taste as good as a whole one.) Explain to the children that our Heavenly Father loves us no matter what. He loves us if we are whole or if we are broken and what he really wants is for us to return to live with Him because we are his children.

Relate Moses’ experience found in Moses Chapter One where the Lord refers to Moses as his son. Then read and discuss Moses 1: 12-13 as a family.
Next read this quote from Elder Taylor,

“Coming to know these truths with certainty helps us overcome trials, troubles, and afflictions of every kind. When asked, “How can we help those struggling with [a personal challenge]?” an Apostle of the Lord instructed, “Teach them their identity and their purpose.”

Read this quote from President Russell M. Nelson:

“Something powerful happens when a child of God seeks to know more about Him and His Beloved Son.”

Show the children the pictures of Jesus Christ and Joseph Smith. Have children tell you what they know about what is happening in the pictures.  Explain that both the Savior and Joseph Smith are great examples of seeking to know our Heavenly Father.

Read this quote from Elder Jeffrey R. Holland:
“With blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sough Him whom He had always sought—His Father. ‘Abba,” He cried, ‘Papa.’”

Read this quote from Elder Taylor:

“As we follow the examples of the Savior and the Prophet Joseph in earnestly seeking God, we will come to understand in a very real way that our Father know us by name, that we are His children.”

Conclude by bearing your testimony of the fact that each of us are children of God.

Make homemade pretzels as a family and use the Pretzel Object Lesson printable to direct you as you each shape your own pretzels. (You may want to make the dough before Family Home Evening so that all you need to do is shape them together.)

Homemade Pretzels! A good recipe can be found on Salt and Baker  

Click here to download printable 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for including my recipe! What a great lesson idea! I wasn’t organized enough to do it tonight, but will do this next week!


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