Read Elder Quentin L. Cooks Talk from the
April 2018 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints entitled, Prepare to Meet God.
Show the family the Who Would
You Invite printout. Ask them if they could invite anyone to dinner tomorrow,
who would they invite? Write the answers around the mystery head. Once they
have each added a person or two to the page pull out the how would you prepare
page and place it in front of everyone. Ask the family what preparations they
would make for the visit and fill in their responses.
Read Alma 34:32 then explain
that just as we would make preparations for a special visitor we should be
spending our time here on earth preparing to meet our Heavenly Father again.
Ask your family, “How can we
prepare to meet God?” Discuss your answers then read this quote from Elder Cook’s
“Pursuing divinely appointed
responsibilities in righteousness, unity, and equality will prepare us to meet
Discuss one or all of these
divinely appointed responsibilities with your family.
This year in primary the theme
is Choose the Right. Discuss with children what it means to choose the right.
Read Doctrine and Covenants
38:27 and then read and discuss this quote from Elder Cook:
“The unity we seek is to be
unified with the Savior and His teachings.”
Talk about how when we walk
into the temple we are all dressed differently in our Sunday best but when then
we all go and change into white clothes that look very similar and are all
white. We all have different experiences in this life but we are equal in the
Lords eyes.
To conclude read this quote
from Elder Cook, share the challenge and close with your testimony:
Fulfilling divinely appointed
responsibilities, based on righteousness, unity and equality before the Lord,
brings personal happiness and peace in this world and prepares us for eternal
life in the world to come. It prepares us to Meet God.
Have each family member think
of something they can work on this week to prepare to meet God.
Spend some time learning and
practicing etiquette rules as a family so you would be prepared if someone
special ever came to dinner.
Orange Julius from Lil’ Luna
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